Feb 25, 2015

Pay yo'self before you treat yo'self?

Have you ever thought about treating yourself to a cup of milk tea* but delaying it until next month? Well I just did last week. Today as I was thinking about March, the thought of it resurfaced again and I was caught suddenly thinking WHAT WAS I THINKING?!

That "I'll treat myself with a cuppa next week" thought is essentially what I'm writing about. It shouldn't be a treat that makes me look forward to March, no; it should be a treat when March is over AND if there's money left in the budget. 

Not only the thought hints at a sense of "entitlement", like it's only the beginning of the month not the end! Do note that the thought comes along with the subtle messages like "at the start of next month I'll have money in the budget to start with, and so I can get X and Y". Dangerous signs there, dangerous.

What I'll do is delaying treats towards the end of month, and try my very best to go without them. Then when the month comes to an end and there's a few bucks left, I'll decide whether to keep those in the pocket or let them pay for a humble treat. Pay yourself first, (maybe) treat yourself later.

It's the way it should be really!

*here refers to a special blend beverage you get from a joint instead of making my own*


  1. Hallo, you are right, it is very diffucult to treat yourself later. I think that you had a good idea and in March I will try to wait until the end of the month for my treat ( a pizza in my favourite restaurant )!

    1. Hello Sabrina - thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment! Let's stay on the course in March and see by the end if any wiggle room is left for a treat!

  2. I don't do this, but maybe I should? Something to think about.....

    1. Hi Gill! If you feel like you've been treating yourself very generously... ;) then that's something to think about!

      For me, it's not a "to think" for me but it must be done.

  3. What a great post! I fall into the "new month-woohoo!" Category all too often. Looks like I need to do some soul searchibg.

  4. What a great post! I fall into the "new month-woohoo!" Category all too often. Looks like I need to do some soul searchibg.
