Feb 5, 2015

Monday is the new Friday!

I'm referring to "Super Mondays" promo which has recently caught my attention.

Apparently, I think the same as most people: Mondays = going home / not hanging out. The restaurateurs had come up with "Super Mondays" promo whereby you get BOGOF on main courses, to boost their on-site traffic. Some of them do Tuesdays as well, but you guessed it: none on Friday. However only the mid-end restaurants do this offer...wish more of them did.

So what does this mean for my newly found frugality*? DB and I are dining out on Mondays now instead of Fridays, it'll allow us to try more dishes without spending more, and not to mention to avoid the crowds on Fridays! Less queue, less crowded dining experience. Can't complain :-)

*I am fully aware that dining out is not "frugal" per se, but for our situation right now (we don't live together), so dining out when we hang out is mostly the case. If we're doing this anyway, why not make the best use of BOGOF offers?


  1. I think it is frugal. You are consciously choosing to spend your money on what you want and you are spending less while you do it - while also having a better experience :-)
