Dec 30, 2015

2016 goals: Friends

After numerous toss and turn Sunday night (hence the expensive mistake on Monday), I briefly thought of some 2016 goals while still in consciousness.

I met a friend on Sunday, it has been 6 months since we saw each other. After catching up over a meal, we parted ways and she texted me "it felt really good to meet you. I enjoyed your sharing" with a smiley. Knowing her, I know she meant real. I had the same feeling too - it felt good to catch up and see her, particularly I was able to share what I know in the industry/hobbies that she's interested in (as a second career). I think I support whatever decision she is ultimately going to make (or not make).

And I admire her for her courage to find out what she likes, how she's going to endeavor to make something happen. I had those moments before (briefly), but have not gone around to the stage of trying it out. The look of wistfulness, the thought of other possibilities lying ahead, etc, all these seem to disappear the more I grow. Feelings that were once a part of your "daydreaming" now became 'unfamiliar', feelings that I would associate with a prerogative being young and carefree - have become wishful thinking.

There was something we had in common: we've both been "shielding" ourselves away from socializing/seeing anyone because of the fatigue we experienced in our day jobs. We both admitted that the Sunday night catch up was a pleasant surprise, and we had plans to meet again sometime soon (in a 3-6 months time frame). This gave me a pat on my back, in the sense "Yay! I'm still capable of making a good conversation", "Yay there's people who don't find  me boring". I'm learning to become a good listener, patiently wait for people to finish, and slow to make assumptions. (Did I say I'm type A?)

Most people tend to think others' jobs are better than theirs - certainly my job in their case, which is why I prefer not to talk about too much what I do, because it will sound bragging, or simply ungrateful. As in: "hey why are you whining when you are paid more than I was?". 

However with this friend on Sunday night, she totally understood. We both shared the same view: while we are paid reasonably (not a lot though), the stress level and the salary does correlate.  Even if the remuneration is good, it doesn't take away from the fact that a salary is supposedly not a 'shut-thou-up' money, we work hard to earn it, it's not like we sit and do nothing each day!

There is an ex-colleague who thinks: want to talk about working extra hours? Let's see who wins (longest hours). And I will say, sorry (not sorry!), but that's just WRONG. Extra hours is extra hours, it doesn't matter whether it's 30 mins or 3 hours. It certainly doesn't give him the right to dismiss the extra hours (that I worked) is not considered "extra" by any means (compared with his hours), and I'm not even interested in being the person who wins in having the longest hours. Sorry not in PJ's world :-)

Have you ever thought about one's friends change over with time? Once I heard someone said your friends/circle change every 7 years. I still haven't decided if it's an accurate description! But it makes you wonder once in a while...

Sometimes it's simple things like that makes you grateful in finding people who get what you mean. Without thinking in another way, might I add.

With that catch up being successful, I briefly had an idea of who I'll be meeting in 2016, and I'll be making a list. Will be taking the first step to initiate. Quantity is never the focus here, the goal is to make each meetup meaningful, by being "there" as a good listener.

(I am late this year in drawing up goals for 2016 - there might be separate posts to come, please bear with me - it's one of those things that you will 'get to you' when it does!)

Dec 28, 2015

An expensive mistake

I just made one, that is.

Needless to say (but I'm not giving myself ready excuses), I was tired, I bought something expensive and I regret it almost immediately when leaving the store. Now, before you ask further "just make a refund", I regret to tell you that the returns/refund policy where I live is next to none. 

Vaguely remembering there is a "protection" policy (aka insurance), an urgent call to the credit card company was made. Apparently I could return all the things to the insurance company (the broker of the credit card company) and get a refund, but I had to pay roughly 12% of the product's value (it's an exact figure, not a percentage given). I wasn't impressed.

More importantly, I'm angry and beyond annoyed at myself.

It was clearly not a need, I am not going to die if I don't have it in my life. Far from that. It's not the sense of entitlement ("treat thyself") either. I don't know what got over me and I did it. The money (any money in fact) can be put to use in a much much better and purposeful way. 

Now we're looking at 2 options - (1) I can take the products (not send...) to the insurance company and fill in forms to do a refund and suffer the 12% loss; or (2) I can go back to the store to exchange for something else of equal value or higher value, which the difference shall be paid in extra. Selling it away is not an option either.

Totally realizing I'm bringing on more trouble for myself, I don't know which is the better option. It is a very expensive mistake either way no matter how you look at it. It SUCKS to feel like this.

This lesson just serves to remind me (1) not to set foot in that store again (except should I decide to exchange products, which is likely, since I'm not going to use that darn thing if I keep it, it's too painful of a lesson); (2) be very, very judicious in making decisions; (3) leave the cards at home (I brought it with me since I had to pay for a prescription today); (4) I'm going to live just fine without it; (5) I've lost more than just the monetary value here, time and mental resources to ponder and wonder about the decisions made. Frankly speaking it's been a torture ever since that stupid decision has been made. 

Can't let this happen again!

Dec 21, 2015

So frugal (OMG) and note to self

I came across something mortifying today on the train.

The train stopped and a few hikers (you can tell by their gear and apparel, and I wasn't wrong!) of roughly 50 or 60 years of age boarded. The train was about 80% crowded so they stood dispersed, 2 women in front of me, a man next to me, and another man behind me. They were literally shouting (talking louder than normal) and it hurts my ears and peace. Of course the 2 women were talking at my direction since the 2 men were next to/behind me, the man behind me talked very loudly next to my ear, of course. They were talking about Chinese tea house fees, some cheap strawberries they got from so and so for how much. I winced. 

Then they went on about cutting away coupons for some chain restaurant. I don't want to repeat what they said (the nitty gritty - something about those coupons and card offers that can't be combined which adds up to maybe US$0.5), it gave me the red flag (!). While I consider being frugal is generally a good thing, the mortifying part (for moi) is that these folks have it written all over their face. It's absolutely revolting. 

Of course frugality, when done right, is nothing to be ashamed of; but there's something about their frugality being so vocalized in a public area(!) that it borders on being miserly/cheap/take it for granted/(insert your word here). 

I took time to observe their appearance, they looked like...well let's just say I definitely DO NOT want to look like them when I'm old (something about the hair and skin, and their central topic of $$$ spending and saving just turned me off). This is a huge red flag. Now, from their speaking (of their hiking hobby), I don't think they're poor folks, but rather, they're super duper frugal folks. There's nothing wrong with talking about money as a topic, but the way they talked about it made me drop my respect. Needless to say, I felt turned off and couldn't wait to get off the train. 

Has any of you come across scenarios like that? How did you feel?

On one hand, I'm very thankful that frugality is a choice that I can make, not something that's forced upon me. On the other hand, I'm not ready to give up looking decent (I didn't use the word "good"), and I believe being frugal an d looking good aren't mutually exclusive.

In other news, I did another run through my wardrobe and got rid of 4 pieces - skirts with prints that I used to like but now found them a bit old-looking (I noticed that always is the case with florals...) I got a bit of thermal layers (sale), a fleece jacket (sale) and a jumper (on clearance) over the weekend, taking the advantage of sales. Expensive? Not when they're on sale. Necessity? Not really since I already own a few (thermal layers and fleece). The fleece in question is SO SOFT and WARM that I just want to stay in it forever, period. Possibly wear it outside-the-home too (but I won't, for aesthetic reasons obviously). It is only after I got the new fleece that I realized my old one isn't so great in keeping me warm, but I am not ready to throw away the old ones, course not! The jumper was on clearance and while it's not strictly a 'keep-you-warm' item, I suppose the style is timeless so not really a problem, although I do have too many jumpers in the trove that it has to stop. Or "one-in-one-out" from now on.

Dec 17, 2015

This and That

This is going to be a mish-mash sort of post.

1) Picked up some cookies on the way home the other day, I should just stop buying snacks in 2016. That might not be difficult as it have sounded, my biggest hurdle would be special flavors (case in point: I just bought butter & maple syrup, and cheese). It'll be a good move to save me $ and waistline.

2) I had been surviving on breads and congees and a small bit of rice (nothing chewy), next to none veggies except for the odd bit of grapes and a few leaves. That said, I craved hot food (and normal food). While at the dental check up the other day, I passed by the canteen and my stomach growled. Had a hard time deciding what to get - whether I can eat/chew it and whether it's worthy of that money, at the end I spent $15 on getting steamed rice flour rolls which I easily slurped on, is warm (and most importantly it's no longer bread!). I was happy but I broke a No Spend Day...I would say the urge to have something is a cross between "want" and "need".

3) Speaking of (2), I must stop getting that much bread once my condition recovers. I'm not that much of a bread-eater, well depending on the type of bread.

4) My neighbor made awesome curry which I can smell from my vicinity(!), it ignited a crave, naturally. I must go have some curry once conditions improved. You see, I saw that dental extractions coming and had sushi the week before, so glad I did!!!

5) I have changed a new set of pillow, pillow case, duvet and duvet case last month, I had wanted something warmer but it was much more $$. At the end I got a cheap set for everything (the pillow case being the most expensive item out of all 4 - ha!) and it's always a good thing when you find yourself feeling cozy the moment you slump on your bed. I hardly have that feeling in the past, and the change has changed everything. I literally fell in love with bedtime now. 

(Lesson: always spend $ on things you use everyday, it pays!)

6) While at the pharmacy, I came across a cheerful pharmacist making announcements over the mic, the hall was so crowded with folks coming and going, queuing, waiting, you know, every age group. It makes me happy to see that someone is still keeping up the spirits even when under such a pressurized environment! They look like a nice team there too.

7) On the way home I saw students coming out from exam hall which I used to take my exams at. Oh the days and joy of being a Uni student! The time is yours and there's such a great sense of possibilities - arguably I have none at the moment. Being a Uni student will always be the best time in my life, period.

8) My raise has come through this week and it's literally pouring an ice bucket over my head. I really needed to do some serious and comprehensive calculations about 2016's savings and spending. There are a few things that I can think of off the top of my head already, including cell phone replacement and my new savings policy, need to budget for them.

(I deliberately put savings in front of the latter...)

9) Taking more stairs will be one of my goals in 2016...

Alright, gotta sign off and think some more!

Dec 13, 2015

December = Excess = Sick

Disclaimer: I went a little crazy during November and December and just did a huge shop yesterday - it's making me guilty, regret now due to the excess. 

I should know it's coming. Right? Right??? 

The end of the year is always the worst - different sales going on, birthday discounts, etc. Excess makes me feel sick. And I am sick of the stuff piling in my room, sick of the wrong decisions I made, sick of repeating the same route again as the years before.

Definitely some goals are in the making with regards to that, the difficult part is "how to". While it's probably easy for some people who "just don't", it's going to be a bit tricky for moi. In the past I found that too much time on my hands = more mindless purchases, fully busy = less time to shop. However just look at the past two months will tell you otherwise. Busy = stress shop. 

I start to think that clarity is the key, when my mind is clear and focused on goals, and that means really focused and determined without distractions, I generally do better. The environmental factors of course play a part, I do better on days without any credit cards around aka (limited) cash only. I also do better when I have time to connect with frugal bloggers and posts...which comes to the conclusion that while I don't really have spare time as in my previous position, and it's not a thing I have control over. I definitely can do something on my part by leaving the cards at home, go limited-cash-only on days that are planned to be no-spend. Some unsubscribing actions must be done to get rid of the distractions.  

Lastly, how do I maintain the clarity and focus? How can one make frugality on auto-pilot without the need to even think?

Dec 10, 2015

Woken by pain...

this morning at 9am that is. Got up at 3:30am last night and popped a painkiller, rinsed my mouth with saline water before returning to sleep. It felt like somebody is chiseling away at my jaw. Well, the dentist surely was, I heard sounds from the electric drill. Face/jaw is still swollen. 

Just had my breakfast (congee), medicine and now slowly (really slowly like you wouldn't believe) chewing on grapes, my mouth immediately felt sore the moment I opened it. Great. Mom's been helpful in suggesting that I cut them in halves to make easier entry to the mouth. The pain is still putting me off from doing anything productive, so catching up with blog posts that is!

Dec 9, 2015

2015 goals reviewed and looking forward

So I had the privilege of a few days' down time chillin' at home, due to a surgical dental extraction (PAIN!!) and wound stitching (TMI!). When the anesthesia is gone, it's really painful to the point that I couldn't sleep and had to take analgesics, and keeping a liquid/soft diet. Now half of my face is swollen up like a balloon. Not pretty. Plus, it hurts like somebody had punched my face, bruised and dug a hole on it, it felt very sore. The few days off could be more productive (had plans in the household area) but the pain is keeping me off from doing anything at all. Not even Internet, but hey, I remember and cherish this little corner and you lovely frugal friends on the cyber space :)

I haven't properly posted here since April, can you believe it's that time of the year already?? The past few months had been a blur, I dreaded in going to work, once I struggled to, it's like 11-12 hours per day, go home, have supper, shower, do the dishes, then off to bed. Barely any time to wind down and do my own stuff (from idling to Internet browsing, let alone blogging). If I stayed up at night (aka more 'me' time), I'd be exhausted the next day and the cycle repeats. One thing I had to be strict about is bed time, yeah like a kid. If I'm lucky that night that we're heading out for supper, which means no dishes. The work situation really is dreadful - there's no way around it and won't change anytime soon. I used to joke that the current role enables me to save more, i.e. too busy to do any mindless shopping, but being the holiday season in November to December, it isn't helping so far, lol. We shall see.

Back to the core business. Frugal living. Makes me panic the other day when I looked up and realized I had no definite ideas of what goals to achieve in 2016. More panic when I realized the latter half of 2015 was gone and I didn't do well in terms of adhering to my budget. Here's some financial milestones of 2015:

- I had taken a baby step towards investment, e.g. buying some stocks (on the advice/recs from my dad), earning dividends. I have no intention to put more money in it now since it's a volatile market and there's a possibility I will get carried away and put more/win some/lose more money;

- I just signed up a savings plan, which I consider it a safety nest to put some of my eggs into, and will start earning some guaranteed interests (similar to dividend but it's not a stock, idk how to call it) starting the 2nd year. This is a big step for me as it means I need to be financially committed (in the form of a fixed amount) every year, also a step that I've dreaded for 3-4 years. Sure I could be more aggressive in terms of the financial commitment per year as well as the guaranteed interest rates, but then I had other plans in mind that I'd like to purchase in the coming few years such as insurance, which is why I think I'm happy with the amount signed up for now;

- Who knew I could make some extra earnings from doing surveys? I did :) and I kept a figure of how much I made, it's not much but it certainly helps;

- I discontinued a monthly subscription box which brings happy little surprises, originally a monthly treat to self, I now find my room is stuffed to the brim and don't need any wondering of 'hit or miss'es;

- I did only 2 major clothes shopping this year, aside from undergarments and replacement of PJs, not sure how it will be like next year but it certainly cheered me (& wardrobe) up without breaking the bank. I didn't buy any shoes (slippers not counted) nor handbags;

- Aimless trips to supermarkets avoided.

Things I could have done better (financial or not), these will probably be 2016 goals:

- Adhere strictly to the budget, precisely spending on entertainment, cutting away mindless/impulse buys, and stop being sucked in by the word 'sale' and 'offer' and 'gifts'. Apparently this is still a MAJOR work in progress;

- Clocked in approx 130 No Spend Days this year, could definitely do more and get closer to 150;

- Side hustles fluctuated plus I'm busier in new role right now, 2-3k per month used to be attainable but no longer, I'd be ecstatic if able to make extra 1k per month;

- Saving for down payment: see financial milestones above, still a MAJOR work in progress, I'm thinking what to do with the blog progress bar;

- Explore funds and ETFs;

- Could be more diligent in cleaning and tidying my room (dust bunnies);

- Working out what are the 'essentials' in everything: from wardrobe to timetable, to routine to life;

- Traveled more;

- Be a better listener and partner;

- Keeping up with frugal blogosphere, internalize frugal living as a habit;

- Read more books/magazines, plus I'm close to not 1 but 2 libraries;

- Reevaluate my assets distribution, particularly the retirement funds (dreaded for a few years), do a shopping on bank offers;

- Exercise!! 

- Not bringing credit cards out on most days will help greatly in driving down impulse buys;

- Clear new emails every day.

My goals for next year is loosely laid out, some of the housekeeping/personal development/health and personal care goals will be similar to that of 2015 so they are likely to stay on the 2015/6 page...all in all, it's an OK year but definitely could accomplish a lot more. As far as 2016 is concerned, I'm not sure how the struggle between work and life will be, so I tend to be on the safe side not to make goals that are too radical. The older I become, the more I appreciate certainty and routines. The adventurous side will be kept for travels :) Very often I find myself hoping for a 'normal' year instead of an exciting one. Is anyone of you like that?

Now off to do the calculations of November...

Oct 18, 2015

Hello, world!

I've left the blogosphere for a good 6 months, with some quick monthly wrap-up in between but that ain't blogging!

The latest development was: I got switched to a much busier role at work, so for the coming months I would be making a huge transition in terms of mindset, workload and routine. It'll probably mean a big overhaul of everything: from wardrobe (still feeling like a drab with clothes that have seen better times), to exercising, to discipline (time-wise), etc. If I'm adapting well, this should take 6-9 months before I can truly settle down.

On the other hand, stuff and more stuff are piling up in my room that I absolutely want to get rid of, but they're not trash nor papers, so that's going to take some time.

I hope everyone has been doing well during my absence, I'll make extra effort to post regularly, because I clearly need to establish a routine amidst everything that's changing.

Jul 26, 2015

Slow Sunday

On this slow weekend, I opted to stay in and hence 2 NSDs.

A few things that were forgotten in the last post, I made a decision to quit one of my side-hustle. Although it doesn't earn much, it does take up a bit of time and more often than expected, I found myself dreaded at the thought of working on it. To put it simply, I told the supervisor that I will have an impending change on my workplace, and that will take time to settle in; secondly but more importantly, I want to free some time to pursue my projects (e.g. de-cluttering, spending time with loved ones and family, exercise, catching up with blogs, or just plain idle...). But to keep things open, I did not exclude the possibility of picking it up in the future - if my work situation allows (but I doubt). Anyways, I felt free.

Starting from April, every month went not frugally, and I intend to change that. I found that jotting down tiny frugal things every few days / per week helps a great deal in keeping me on the frugal / resourceful course instead of looking anywhere to spend. I am also considering keeping a small, palm-sized note pad (and a pen obviously) in my bag whenever I go, so when I think of something, usually a to-do item, or a vague idea like meditation, some project that needs further consideration, I will write it down. Why not use a phone as a notepad? I have done that and the list ended up with many other miscellaneous items, and I cannot cross them out after completion of certain tasks (erase is the only option), I prefer something that allows me to check, check, tick and done.

The idea of keeping a physical to-do list is beneficial in a way I did not expect: when near to tears with boredom this weekend, I looked through the list (now still shreds of papers stapled together instead of a notepad), and realized I could use the time to complete some of the stuff that I've been dragging on: finish reading Mrs Moneypenny's book, draft a letter to the building management office, a wardrobe purge (see? this thing crept up every 6 months. Bastard.), clean my room floor, to rotate shoes (#firstworldproblem), exercise (as far as I'm concerned, with the heat and rainy weather, this will remain as scribbles on the paper instead of an item...sad). 

So the easiest was of course to finish the book where I left off months ago, and I couldn't find it anywhere! Wardrobe purge: not really feel like it now. Mop the floor? The flat below me is blasting their air-con so my floor is trickled with cold water droplets because of the temperature difference (I offed the air-con when I wake up)! It would be futile for me to wipe the floor clean when such situation is anticipated to last until summer finishes.

I turned to rummage through the cupboards and then found some noodles that were close to expiry dates, had one for lunch. Rummaging through the other cupboards I picked out some tubes and jars that are unopened and won't be used, off they go to my friends then. The travel book I borrowed from a friend - it's no longer sitting on my desk but off to the bag it goes - I'll return it when I see him for a dinner or something after work. A few reading materials on the side-hustle that I was working for? The recycle bin! 

I also reserved a book on de-cluttering (the mind and the home) with a click, didn't know it was that easy! Now I just have to wait patiently since there are others who are also waiting for the book. Think this deserves a frugal point!

For the rest of today, I'm catching up with some blog reading and will be charting my frugal course for August. 

I may or may not have mentioned in the last post, that some of the items in the wardrobe are looking a bit washed out and tatty (e.g. black turned dark grey with white cast on top, colors that no longer look like when they're new thanks to the mixed color wash and transfer of dye/colors during wash, things that no longer look good because I've grown fat in the belly - YIKES especially on the last one). I found that shabby looking clothes really dampen my spirits and outlook, I'd feel shabby the whole day and felt compared to, even when my bag is new. After some analyzing that most items in my current wardrobe had lasted 1-3 years, some of them are just outdated, gone tatty, and some of them just don't look good anymore. With this in mind, I have a clothes shopping trip planned next next week, I'd be uber careful and cautious when I consider bringing a new item in, however. This is due to concerns with space, ease of washing with other items (color transfer), style in question (compatibility with my activities and other items), and material. I deliberately pushed this shopping trip later and later, frankly I just want to faint when looking at the current wardrobe, I'm not sure if I have the guts to bring anything new in before cleaning something out, this is something I dreaded on and on. Secondly, some bargains might be at their best when we're stepping into the next season. 

Also on the same note, I really need a change on my hair, it no longer looks crisp nor fresh, instead it looks out of place, still thinking on how to proceed with this one. I may change haircut twice per year to three times per year in order to feel my best. Hope this doesn't come across as vanity, but how I look really affects how I feel (low confidence, insecurity, shy away from this or that). I could no longer deny it when looking at the mirror, and this has become more frequent than before.

As July is drawing to a close, the monthly wrap-up will be up in the coming few days. I'd have a weekend getaway next week so I hope everyone has had a great month!

What are your plans in August?

Jul 5, 2015

Monthly Wrap-Up: June 2015

Yoohoo! Since I was away for most of the month, my savings rate pumped up to 55.33%! But I was spending money everyday when on vacation, so up to 30th June my NSDs for this year is 65. My goal is 150 days, well I'll try to make it happen! There's no granny money to be paid this month, nothing, nada, so my monthly contribution money went straight to its determined account, that was great.

So, the trip, it was a blast. I thoroughly enjoyed it, and am thinking of going back there again already (even though impossible in the near future). Now I know the freedom (also peril) of traveling and spending money every day. It was great to be able to forget most 'rules' I've set for myself, and get a treat/eat/try anything I want; but once I'm back home, old habits die hard! 

Other than the trip, nothing much has taken place this month, zero exercise, read 1 book (travel-related). I did try my best to settle the post-travel materials (wash and everything) into their respective place in the wardrobe. The investment earnings in the account seemed to be dropping this month was the general market wasn't doing very well, I'm a bit worried but think it should be OK as long as I'm holding onto them and not desperate to sell them at their lowest. I heard a good advice though - I get muddled when being a bit desperate with the "wealth creating wealth" mindset, the advice was that don't put all your money in it, even if you're making earnings! There's that temptation thinking that the more money you put in, you're maximizing the earnings, but it isn't always about earning, it's also about timing, being sensible, rational and cautious.

What's to come hither? I had a few people to see, hopefully some exercise when the temps are cooler (can the weather get any hotter?!), a wardrobe culling and maybe a shopping trip (see below) is in store in August? I'll get a tiny raise so that helps with the savings rate too. A couple meals would be done outside as well since you know, catching's not a very frugal outlook come July and August. As I'm writing, I've taken advantage of a mid-year sale and stocked up on some personal care items. Again, not frugal at all! Need to put more effort tuning back to frugal mode!

Things on my mind to think about:

- from 2 haircuts per year I'm starting to think it'll be nice to have it 3 times a year, I felt "lighter" (literally the way your shoulder does) once I've had a trim. Also thinking about making it shorter;

- *maybe* taking up swimming (classes or not) again because my belly could use some fat-burn;

- need to get new swimsuit, swim cap, and goggles in that case;

- my wardrobe, badly needs an update I think?! Some of the items albeit I love them, is becoming tatty or just looks out of place? I felt a bit old-fashioned sometimes compared with what others are wearing - but tbh there's nothing wrong with the clothes I was wearing, no they aren't from the 90s! Don't know what was going on, my eyes or brain playing a trick on me?

- in relation to the previous point, perhaps I should consider going on a white/black/grey/navy color palette with my wardrobe so time and effort can be saved each morning, and each time doing laundry. Have to think more on this first, since I'm not ready to give up on colors!

Hope everyone will have a nice month ahead - I'll be slowly catching up with unread blog posts...but time for bed now! :)

Monthly Wrap-Up: May 2015

Hi, I'm slowly easing back to frugal blogging :)

Will start off with a not-so-frugal wrap-up for May first. Firstly I had a haircut, my grandpa's birthday was also in May so money had gone to "granny money" (hardly anything though tbh), I also got myself another pair of glasses because the new ones I got earlier this year was too heavy to wear on a daily basis, my work requires close attention to the screen so I figured it'll be a sensible thing to get something more comfortable. The other pair will be for special occasions - when a little class and oomph is needed (please don't laugh).

Since I'd be away for most of June, the library books had been returned even though I'd just finished one, but nevermind, since I don't see myself burying in books the first instance when I come back. Exercising was of course, zero progress at all. Most of the time was spent studying for the trip to come, and it was rather stressful as I wanted to make it "complete", all that was stressing me out, this to visit, there to try, there to eat, things to see, etc.

Money-wise, I opened an investment account last month, this month I've put in money into it and let my folks run it - I know I know, one shouldn't rely on others' advice when it comes to investment, but I'm slowly learning. A tiny dividend was also credited to the bank account, but otherwise, not so much extra earnings from side-hustling. In fact, all my side-hustles had gone quiet since April, one of them I have a vague suspicion about what's going on with the company but there's no way to know. Except that signing up with other companies is on my to-do list in June. 

The savings rate for May is at 34.3% which was quite low, but it's slowly climbing up I hope, last month was 29.6%. Like April, most of the expenses went on the long-haul trip for June. the fund I set up was not enough to cover it and I knew it, and it was OK in the way that I wouldn't be able to do a long-haul trip in the coming 2 years or more, the longest I can do is a week.

Phew, a lot has taken place in May but it has also become a blur to me now, since I'm writing it now.

May 24, 2015

Not-so-frugal hiatus

I've been MIA for a long time *gasp* and sorry I didn't mean to!!

I was simply knackered and loaded with work and it was like a battle on my work desk every day particularly the last two weeks. I came home just wanting some off-screen time, and on weekends I'd like some down time and prepare the upcoming trip, going out occasionally instead of having my eyes glued to the screen, as if I hadn't done that enough from Mon to Fri!

The other thing was that I was stressed out for the past 2 weeks too - of course the spending went a bit haywire, I'll do a post on that when I wrap up the month. At this rate, it looks like the monthly wrap-up for May is happening in late June...

Thought it'll be nice to leave a message here telling my readers that I'm not giving up this blog, this frugal journey anytime! Just give me some time, and I'll be back and tune in the frugal channel again (probably back in full mode in latter half of June!). It'll be quite a while since I have lots of blog reading to catch up, since early April, but nevertheless I am going to make it. Just want to say sorry about the lack of posts lately!

Oh and huge thanks to January for helping me to reach out to Pru, and Pru's invitation!

May 3, 2015

Message for Pru

Dear Pru, 

I realized your blog is now by invitation only - as I was catching up with the blog reading I missed your posts while I'm away and do not have your email :-( 

my email is frugalfabinhk [at] gmail [dot] com

Monthly Wrap-Up: April 2015

With plenty of blog post reading to catch up ahead, I'll first do a wrap-up of April. I felt like a naughty child who failed to do what I ought to do!

I'll start with something good that has happened this month:

- borrowed some books and finished one
- we bought a travel guidebook using a voucher and ended up paying only a few dollars for it
- bleach wiped my room once, washed curtains, hung them up, changed new bed sheets
- upgraded my credit card and makes earning points faster
- opened up an investment account, which I've dreaded, and still dreaded
- decluttered magazines, found lost photos

The not-so-good of April:

- overspent my budget
- earned very little in side-hustle front
- exercised zero times
- felt the urge to spend / shop, see yesterday's post
- terribly behind on blogs and completely fallen off the frugality bandwagon
- treated a lot of important persons for dinners, my food budget exploded
- NSDs had shrunk in number since I spent a few days away and of course, paid for food and travel day by day

April had seen me throwing my money (and caution) in the wind, since I was stressed out. I don't know about other people, but going on a trip stresses me out a lot, A LOT. There was the familiarizing with guidebooks, lots of decision making, coordinating, researching. All of these happened while I'm still working daytime, there were many times I wanted to say "I can't handle this". This feeling remained after I returned from the trip, as I am already planning another trip, and catching up with lots of things at the same time, opening a bank account, frequent trips to the bank, post office, here and there during lunch, when I'm supposed to wind down. I hope this doesn't sound like bragging (because I'm not), and whoever was the psychologist or something that says going on holidays give people stress can't say it any truer. Holidays isn't all about rainbows, and it gives you headaches not (just) because of money.

April's figures: overspent $3,366, savings rate saw a huge dip to 29.6% only *yikes*

What's in store in May?

- haircut. It's reached so long and thick that I sweated out from it more often than I thought: summer is here
- wardrobe switch. Can you believe it's the 2nd time I do this - meaning that we stepped into winter, and are stepping out of it now!
- more research for the trip, packing
- family gathering for Mother's Day (dinner)
- (another) granny's birthday dinner
- ideally I'd like to step up on the side-hustle earnings but it's out of my control, plus time is not really enough lately

Have a great weekend everyone!

May 2, 2015

What's been happening - and a few observations

If anyone can be guilty about not posting frequently in April, it'd be me. I'd also be the one who is guilty of horribly behind from all the blog reading and comments. I'll try to catch up this week and read the posts I've missed. Alas, the abstinence from frugal blog kingdom has had me fallen off the frugal bandwagon - not a nice feeling, nor a good news for my bank account.

I went on holiday for a handful of days in early April, needless to say my schedule was swamped before the days off; after the short trip, I returned drained. Coming to think of it, DB and I didn't do mountaineering nor any outdoor sports during holiday, we did sightseeing and minimal walking, under hot weather, and that's enough to make me drained for a whole week. I think I almost had a heatstroke on day 2, but recovered quickly in the evening. My sleep was poor since returning from the trip, and I had no idea why. 

At work, there's some rumors about reshuffling - to be honest I expected it to take place in the latter half of the year, but news shot up that it actually was taking place bit by bit. I was taken aback at the view of this - totally not prepared for it yet. A few discussions with my coworkers had sent me into panic mode for a while. A new meeting had landed on my plate too, and it's something I'm not familiar with. Not a good time at work indeed.

Coming back, DB and I are planning on our next trip, which will happen real soon, a month from now, actually. In the pipeline was of course tons of decision making (raise your hand for decision fatigue!), a lot of reading, researching, debating. And I'm still not there yet - not at the level that I'd prefer to be, i.e. getting acquainted with the details of our destinations. Far from it, in fact. More reading and researching is needed, and time is running out (3 weeks?). A lot of cash had been blown on the coming trip, but in consideration of all things, I hope it'll be worth it. Possibly my last long-haul trip for years to come *gasp*.

Intrigued by a book title we happened upon at the airport when returning from our holiday, I googled online and found nothing. I then thought of my uni. library, did a search, one of the books I wanted was there. Went there on a brim after work, picked up 4 books, finished 1 in a few days. But this is about as frugal as I get to this month. As far as the money aspect is concerned, I'm too terrified to do a calculation (I would do that in the Monthly Wrap-Up post to come), it's not looking good from what I can tell:

1) blown a lot of cash in the coming trip
2) overspent in April even if the trip related expenses were taken out
3) I had this terrible twitch of hands (or my mind) that I want to buy something, after returning from the trip. It's the worst feeling one can have in the journey of frugality.

A lot of things had happened and dragged me in the direction of making a move, in a pace faster than I imagined / wanted. One of these was the opening of a securities account. I planned to wait for a new customer offer, but instead I was forced into action from my folks. I managed to open it, albeit with lots of complications and hurdles along the way. It's set up now, or very close to! I really don't like to operate a new interface, seeing unfamiliar numbers that are actually my money, and buying stocks. It's all very foreign to me and I don't think I can familiarize myself with it shortly. I took on a new stock that's yet to hit the market, based on advice from my folks. The number is nothing big, but any investment (except in bonds) gave me the unease, and if you know me at all, the last thing I want on earth is to have another thing to worry / add to my mental task list. But beggars can't be choosers, I need to grow my capital, be it how little it stands at right now. It's a new thing I had to live with, learn, research on and familiarize with.

I talked about the merits and consequences of upgrading my credit card before - at the end I went ahead for it, I don't think I'll look back now. First, it allows me to visit lounges of airports, with a limit to the frequencies but it's not like I travel a lot per year, and it's a wonderful thing to have say, especially on my upcoming long-haul trip. Second, it allows me to accumulate my points faster.

Last weekend I bleach wiped my room once, washed the curtains, hung them up, it felt good to have a nice clean(er) room again, albeit I was completely exhausted afterwards. Yesterday I planned to pamper myself at home, but I had some accidental decluttering instead. Got rid of a bunch of old magazines, freed up some space and put stuff in, it felt good, but my room was still full of chucks of stuff. I hate stuff, the older I become, the less stuff I want to have. I also found some trip photos which I thought were missing, by accident! Really glad I found them, or should I say, I'm glad I wasn't stupid enough to erase them! Of course, that tired me out again. Some awful cramps had made me want to stay in today, imagine my horror when discovering I left some important bank letter in my office - I had no choice but to go there and fetch it...managed a No Spend Day for first 2 days of May.

All in all, April made me feel like a cog in a wheel, a scatterbrain pulled in all directions to move forward when I'm not ready for it, but such is life, isn't it?!

Looking forward to reading everyone's blog posts while I'm away :-) Being away from reading frugal blogs had its dire consequences, and one that I don't wish to go through if able to!

Apr 19, 2015

Checking In

Just to let anyone who is reading this that I'm still alive. Alive but busy. Busy makes a scatterbrain!

It started the week before the short trip and 1 week after the trip, things fly in from every direction. Not complaining, but definitely tired :-) Hopefully catching up with blogs (& comments) later this week or early next week.

Hope April is treating you well!

Apr 2, 2015

Monthly Wrap-Up: March 2015

If I remember correctly, I spent almost 2 weeks with a flu bug and could not recall anything much, except that I spent less on eating out (since I wasn't going out, sick at home), and I did not buy any grocery food for the home (no stocking up). Here's the figures:

Overspent HK$419.45
Savings rate 45.41% (before tax)

Not too shabby methinks. My savings % had a dip last month, most likely due to me booking my vacation. But how did I manage to still overspend when I'm mostly home-bound for 2 weeks (except for work)? Well, I did a bit of shopping for the upcoming trip, mostly on a bug spray, sunscreen, mosquito repellent sticker patches, stuff like that do add up...

On top of that, I also got some footsies / shoe liners that will go with my sneakers. Also took the chance of a special promo and got a few bottles of fruity bath gel, they were $59 each normally, $99 for 3 when on special offer, but the cheapest (when I got them) was $25 each. Why the shop does this, I have no idea. Perhaps they'd like to increase shop traffic and get people to buy other things as well besides the promo? I also got 5 books on clearance, all related to health. I know I've got enough books and shouldn't be buying them, but I figured I'll lend them to DB or my family after finishing them, and not sure if they like library books! I think I've also mentioned in a few posts back, that I bought perfumes.

And let's not forget the cute Moomin tote I got, not a need but entirely a want, but I'll use it happily. Here's Moomin family again, if you're not familiar: (or you are like me, like looking at them)

Pic found on google images

Pic found on google images

As far as money things go, I've shared in the Moneytalk post (HERE) I've met the target saving amount, albeit very humbly. But still, the sense of accomplishment! :-D I've also gone ahead for the credit card upgrade, I should have done it sooner after figuring out there's nothing to lose! The minimum % you need to put down for a home's down payment, however, has risen. This is bad news for those who are struggling to save, now you have to save even more!

As far as dieting, healthy eating and exercising goals are concerned, I did very poorly in March. Been to the park for only once. Sick for 1 week, took another 2 weeks to recover. I've slowly started making changes to my breakfast routine, since I need to slim down that protruding belly, and while not in time to get fit before my vacation, still it's nice to have a start. More oatmeal will be on the way!

Personal development goals: remember I shared that I've signed up to become a volunteer then heard nothing? Well, I finally heard from them. Last week I went to a briefing and met other newbies, up to this date there's some volunteer opportunities but I've looked and found nothing close to my home and the time doesn't fit (afterwork?!), so we'll wait and see what comes next.

So what's in store for April? Lots of eating out, a rise in commute cost, and less NSDs since I'll be traveling a bit.

I'll treat a very good friend of mine for a birthday dinner. She's happily retired at the age of 56 and I'm just very grateful to know her before she retired. Even with our age gap (she has a daughter whose age is practically same as me), we got along very, very well and still are. Happy times! Then there's this senior colleague who lives so close to me, and we will be dining out near our place. It's hard to decline when she's more senior than me, but I've talked her into a place which has special offers, the frugal kind. In fact I gathered that she's a very frugal person. Since it's Easter holidays, I'll be meeting up with friends for tea, for some catching up. I did decline a weekend getaway trip with them, because I did not thoroughly enjoyed it last time, plus I could see my money is better spent elsewhere. Tonight I'll be shopping with a friend for a few personal care items, using her discount, and making use of coupons.

Grandma's birthday is also coming up, so there goes my "granny money" after March's grandma (another one) birthday.

A rise in commute costs from April onward is also on the chart, and for once I think it'll be a worthy sacrifice: money does buy you time, in this case. However the leap in cost will be quite a sharp one compared what I used to have. Plus, summer is near, which means I might be walking less and taking more trains! I'll observe how my commute costs rise for the coming month, then I'll make adjustments in my budget...

April's a bit quiet on the side-hustle front, so it might actually be time to get on with a blog sale (not on this blog), or maybe catching up with reading books and magazines. I hope April will be a better month!

Mar 30, 2015

Moneytalk, March: the good and the bad

This post will cover anything related to $. The monthly wrap-up will be another post.

Let me start off with something good. Previously one of my goals in March is to pump up my savings to a certain amount by March, and I've JUST achieved it, albeit marginally. The sum will all go to my down payment in future. This sum excludes my day to day cash in my wallet, my emergency fund, the account I set aside for yearly categories (more on that), any money tucked away in bonds and stock (I only hold one, looking to expand the profile). For the past few months, I have a new habit of putting *some* notes at home and replenish the wallet when the notes run out. For some reason, this worked for me, the thought of going to ATMs every week worries me and I panic at the thought of it. I intend to go to ATMs not more than 4 times a month: paying my credit cards in full, wiring money to my folks (this is safer than handing them cash), withdraw cash (to replenish). Sometimes I even do same things at once to save me time from the ATM queue, the queues can be horrible I tell you: there was once I had to wait for 10-15 minutes, it depends on where you are.

Well the not so good news was, the authorities have made people who are looking to buy their first homes much more difficult now. In the past people can walk away with 90% mortgage 10% down payment (minimum). No more of those's now 30% down payment for everyone. Which, to me, is a sky-high number! I did a count, if my salary and savings rate stays the same, it'll take me close to 10 years to accrue the figure that would allow a down payment for a very, very modest house. But the amount wouldn't be enough to cover any lawyers cost, stamp duty, renovation, fitting-out, etc. It's very sad and more so when there's nothing I can do about it. 

Another piece of news is: huge change in commute pattern has taken place, I just did a very modest calculation and found that I'll probably need to pump up 50% more than my previous budget on commute. I'm curious to see how this change of commute pattern will influence my way of thinking about what transport to take; and how the item will play out in my budget. I have not revised my budget yet, as I would like to see how it play out in the first 1-2 months. Meanwhile I might need to start chanting *money buys time*, I need to look at where else I can cut back on...

Moving on, I've come to a decision regarding the talk on credit card upgrade. After a few calls to the hotline, I found out that I had nothing to lose after all! The worst case scenarios if I cannot meet the spending limit was (1) I had to call them to waive the annual card fee, which I have 70% they will do so, if not, I'll just cut the card or I can (2) downgrade it to my current card, without any charges. The upside was, I'll accumulate my points quicker, have unlimited access to the airport lounge. The even better part was, I can sign up for subsidiary cards for my family and DB, the subsidiary cards have no minimum spending per year, no annual card fee, and same unlimited access to the said lounge. Now I want to kick myself for not going for the upgrade sooner. The subsidiary cards I'll have their spending limit lowered if I should apply any, however my hesitation is whether getting the subsidiary cards will affect my credit score.

Thee coming of April will see the whole city "doing without" plastic bags, the shops will impose a levy on most plastic bags used. Some items that are frozen, fresh (think fish from the market), or bread from the bakery, will be exempted (but I don't know what else). This is a big problem for moi as I tend to buy a few items here today and a few items the next day, and I hate bringing an extra bag with me to carry groceries. Hopefully this will wean me off from buying unnecessary groceries, but this policy is a royal pain to housewives and everyone, really. Paper bags can be the new option for shopkeepers but their cost is almost double or even more than a plastic one. Talk about conundrum. 

The following paragraphs is for Pru, I figured it'll probably be best fitted under "Moneytalk" ;) Do remember I am only speaking for what I do, and some or most people may not do what I'm doing, or maybe they are doing even more. 

Every month I set aside a certain amount of my salary to be given to my parents, right now that sum is at 25%. I would adjust it every 2-3 years when I get a small raise, but the % will be 25. My folks used to say their generation would give 70% of their income to their families, but they have siblings and people were generally very poor back then. We had arguments about this before, but 25% seems to work best now, although I'm sure they want more, and that they can take more...In our culture, sons and daughters "should" (although arguably some don't) give some money to their parents regardless whether they are still living with them or not. Agreeing with the spirit behind this practice, I intend to continue this practice even after getting married or moving out one day. It's just the right thing to do and I don't question it. My folks have given me the best they can, and are as frugal as they are.

Another related "expenses" to the above, is the money for my grandparents (I call it "granny money"), it's not an obligation (read: I'm not their direct offspring, they have a handful of them and the offspring are the ones who should be giving them money like I do in the above paragraph), but it makes them happy. Plus I don't see them often, like 4-5 times a year, each time I'll give them a few hundred to let them buy what they want, eat what they want. They are not working anymore and solely rely on their savings, and if not, their offspring to support them. So whenever it's birthday of my grannies, around Chinese New Year or Mid Autumn Festival, I'll shell out some. I know some people who don't do what I'm doing, but I always say you never know how long they're still there for, and in their prime age they were working hard for the family and now it's the time they should be taken care of. 

Mar 27, 2015

Outsourcing your time or your hard earned money?

The other day I met up with a friend who just came back from the holiday destination that I'm soon going to, and I borrowed the travel guide from him. In the past I've also borrowed another travel guide from him too! Makes me cringe to buy books of that sort...unless it's somewhere I really, really want to go, and the book is really, really helpful. But these days there's always the Internet.

During our convo, I learned that the price he paid per person, for flight and hotel, is double than the amount of what I booked per person for me and DB. Shocker, right? And my vacation dates belongs to the peak season and his was not! I was very curious so I asked him where he stayed at. He quoted a place which they booked a private pool (!) and the nights we stayed are the same. We lived in pretty much the same area I guess...his hotel was newer, but basically the "level of stars" are the same, if not half-a-star difference. To my surprise, my friend thinks this price was fair. To me, needless to say, was not. I told DB this shocking discovery, that what they paid for one person actually pays for 2 of us to go, with same number of nights spent there in a similar area! I can't remember whether they have free breakfasts included but mine surely have!

I would further add that even though the sound of having a private pool is nice, but I'm not going to use it every day while at that destination. I don't like the idea of vegging in the hotel room when traveling, so it doesn't make any difference to me (or benefit) if the hotel carries a free gym access and a free pool access. I would love the idea of having a private pool, but anything more than 1 day is too much, who am I kidding anyway? If I'm going swimming I might just as well get to a standard pool and do some laps like a pro (ok, maybe not a pro), or if I want some sun I might as well go to the local beach. Paying for a private pool which I'll not be using everyday? No thanks. And the ludicrous part was, I thought his partner did the booking for him, but no, he told me they bought the package via an agent. An agent! If it was somewhere I'm not too familiar with, not that popular with tourists, I might do the same. But chances are that 90% I would not outsource it. 

In the past I've made booking for flights and hotels via agent, but on different occasions and never booked together. One occasion was when I was traveling with my parents and they made a booking for the hotel via the agent (a place they've been to but I haven't, so I trusted their recs, the place doesn't have much "hotels" but instead "home-stays" are plenty, and I'm not staying at anything other than a hotel when I'm with my parents). The other time I booked a flight ticket via an agent because I wasn't too sure about buying it online. 

But I'm getting better at it now...once I got past the "fear of making a mistake" stage (story to come in an upcoming post).

With outsourcing I believe that depends on the age and angle where you're looking at it from. Right now, it makes sense to me that these are things that I could easily do it myself, but when I become old one day, I might just dismiss the act of outsourcing as "giving myself some free time" or "saves me hassles", or it was just something that I'm not capable of, e.g. mechanics, renovation. But for now, as far as I'm concerned, I can book tickets and hotels myself without problems, although it means I have difficulty choosing.

Over to you, what do you / will you happily outsource?

Fail to plan, Plan to fail

My previous boss used to say this phrase every now and then during our morning meetings. It stuck in my head whenever I did something stupid.

Back >1.5 years ago, I was an avid contact lens wearer, and I made use of the sale day at the grocery to stock up on the contact lens solution because I go through a bottle in 1.5 month. That's pretty reasonable and straight forward, right?

Fast forward to now, I still have 1.75 bottles left and their expiry date is March 2015. They're standing on the bath stand mocking me for stupidly stocking up. Truth was, I wore less and less contact lenses and thus did not need as much of the solutions as I thought I would. What I thought would be efficient (saves money, since I'm going to use them anyway) had ended up costing me more, because of the unused things that's going to waste. With anything that touches the eyes expiring soon, I'm NOT going to take the risk of using them and getting an infection. That'd be another stupid mistake.

With that in mind, I decided that any stocking up behavior should not be too long-term. 6-9 months' stock is OK, but anything more than that is a no-no, that includes food. I just realized I have tons of cookies, oatmeal, cereal bars that are close to expiry / expired by a few weeks, and they're still there. Another lesson not to go crazy with stocking up. I don't live in a desert or the Arctic, why do I have such FOMO or fear with not having enough? Can anyone explain that?

Another story that happened which made me want to kick myself was, a spring drizzle that I thought was nothing but enough to make my feet / shoes / coat wet! A drizzle without an umbrella and wellies is simply a recipe for disaster. As I was chasing commute today, the puddle splashed against my leggings (it's probably not good for work but it's a Friday and I don't care lol) and my feet. Talk about gross! The lesson to take away is: when in doubt (of the weather), take the short umbrella. 

Oh, did I mention someone just took my umbrella from my building? I suspected the cleaners took / stole it while they cleaned, but they (the property guards) said no. Glad it was an old one and I had extras.

Here's to no more stocking up of food for a good while until I've finished everything! For my lens solution, I'll just buy when April rolls around and won't get any more bottles until I ran out, which I expected to be few and far between.

What are your "fail to plan, plan to fail" moments?

Sometimes it's not what we think it is

A few months ago I shared that a friend of the same age (a girl), who had bought a flat with her bf and moved in together. Well, she told me she's broken up with her bf and moved back to her parent's. This was such shocking news to me, I always thought she's the one who "has it": not rich, but enough money to pay for down payment and get a mortgage (halved with her bf), a stable relationship hence the moving in part, a nice job, and a bit of cushion there from her investments.

To me, that kind of number is just astronomical (I know it was not much, but it's getting even more difficult these days). I was pretty upset at myself at that time because I kept thinking what I should have done to my money before getting a grip on it now, and how different would bank account figure be now. I still do, a bit upset at myself for what I've done with my money before. But this post just goes to show you how fickle things moment a person looked like they have a stable life but the next moment they're back to square one, well, almost. At the beginning of March I had that crest-fallen feeling for 2 days and it was just enough to wreck everything - peace of mind, appetite, and health, sleep, etc.

Have you come across similar stories? Did knowing such people (and that you can be in a similar place with them, but you're not near that for now) upset you?

*To this date, I think I should thank her for inspiring me to get a grip on my finances, and started this blog. She doesn't know her story gave me such a motivation. And without this blog, I would feel alone in this journey. Thanks every one of you for reading this blog. THANK YOU.*

Mar 21, 2015

Something frugal, and something not that frugal

Shall we begin with the not so frugal thing about this week?

Well, I caved and bought this mook (a Japanese term referring to a book magazine with gift, usually a pouch or a tote). Do you recognize the character? She's Lilla My from the Moomin tribe! The cartoon is originated from Finland.


The mook is not very expensive, but surely it's not a need, but a want. The bag is made of nylon, has no zippers, but I like the way the colors combined and the cartoon on it. So much for saying to 'pay thyself' first...hahaha.

Moving onto the frugal things this week:

We went to the movies, but we chose to eat at a food court, that cut down our dinner to about US$4.5 for me, US$8 for DB. We bought bottled water because we were both coming from work, usually if it's on the weekend I'd bring my own.

I checked the travel insurance price last week from our usual provider, they offered 10% off throughout the year for their members. Today when I looked at it again, they are offering 35% off for members - YAY. It pays to wait, but I really wouldn't recommend you to wait to buy it at the last minute since the companies take time to process before they issue a green light to your insurance policy. I would suggest if you know you're needing it anyway, go check in with them every now and then, and pounce when a special offer (than usual offer) is there.

I took some time off due to a dental appointment this week, and managed to squeeze in an hour brisk walk at the park, that's gonna be the single entry in my March exercise goal, lol. The said dental appointment meant a surgery date pushed earlier (end of 2015) than the old date (2017 / 2018, which was way too far away). I have doubts about this dental operation, since it's not necessarily a life-threatening situation, and they told me they'll give me 2-3 days off after the operation. Seriously! I must have underestimated it based on my one time experience with removing a wisdom tooth. Well, at least, the operation should save me from seeking private dentist. I also scrapped plans for the dental checkup-and-wash in March, one that I have to pay for, since I have an upcoming visit to a dentist covered by my employer in May anyway. BONUS: I made progress on the Mrs. Moneypenny book (!) instead of the book I'm supposed to finish, but sorry, not sorry!

Tomorrow we'll be dining out WITH coupons, you guessed it. The other day I told DB that since we usually eat out (because we aren't sharing a home together), we might as well: (1) eat more frugal sometimes; (2) when we eat fancy / more up-scale, relatively speaking, we might as well do some hacking, that includes Super Monday deals, going on days / to places that let you multiply the points / miles on your card (travel hacking); (3) make use of coupons from newspaper and flyers. DB agreed. 

I applied for an equivalent to Nectar card in the UK - a moneyback card from a supermarket chain, I don't know why I didn't apply it sooner, I should have! I don't shop at supermarket much, if at all, but it makes sense to have it ready when I do shop there, no matter how infrequently and how small the amount usually was. I had this "ding!" moment when I was paying for the cheese fondue pack at the cashier a few weeks ago. The card took more than 3 weeks to arrive in the mail, but I'm happy that I made a sensible decision :-) Note: supermarket and grocery store are not the same thing (for me).

Upgrading my existing credit card to the "elite" status had been on my mind for months but haven't got around to actually ask about it in detail. To be honest, apart from accumulating miles quicker, it doesn't really offer that much benefits (unlimited access to airport lounges throughout the year? I don't travel more than twice a year and twice a year, the maximum amount of how frequent I can use the airport lounge with my current card, is enough for me). Second, the annual card fee was much higher than the current one, and can only be waived if I had a 150,000 spending, which is rather impossible. Don't think I'll be making the upgrade in this case.

A friend sent me some goodies from the mail - she ordered a matching set of a perfume for both of us, how sweet of her! Her parcel totally made my day week.

The past week had seen me really busy with work so this weekend will be all about catching up with blogs! This week had been not very good, hope you have a good weekend.

Aloha, spring

In this corner of the earth, Spring is finally here. With temperatures going over teens, many are losing their tights/leggings. I am terribly afraid of coldness and easily getting sick, hence have not ditched leggings yet (don't worry I wear a dress over it). 

However the warmth and heat in the air got me to thinking the time I survived solely on dresses and skirts, aka summer. It seemed like a year ago while in fact was just 6-9 months at most. The feel of sunshine on my arms, the sweat (not pretty) but most of all - the feeling of freedom. It seemed like I've been living under a shell for too long, that I forgot how it was to live the spontaneous life (read: careless/mindless about money).

While I have my vice (perfume and beauty stuff), and everyone's got their vice too; it shocked me to hear what some of my coworkers say / do. They have shellac / gel nails / manicure every 7-10 days (shocker to me! I hardly never do my nails), one of them even said she has "seasonal shoes", meaning the shoes (not cheap but not too expensive) will last through 3-4 months of wear and will be tossed. It might shock you to know that I used to think exactly like that person did about shoes, when I bought shoes made of fabric: the dirt, dust and sweat (TMI) just ruined the shoes after intensive wear for 3-4 months, they just look tatty and can't be worn any longer. This perception of shoes changed right after I encountered my first plastic pair of flats, they last and last and last. Best of all, they are more washable than fabric counterparts, if not completely washable in every part! It's a slow lesson I learned from the past year - that fast fashion is probably not good for my new found frugality, nor for the planet. 

Mar 15, 2015

On the Agenda this week

Yesterday it occurred to me how close we are to our upcoming trip, a mere 3 weeks away!

I've flipped through the travel book borrowed from a friend and had some idea of what to do during the few days at the destination. I've also texted the driver who we would be hiring for a day or two in the trip. Normally hiring a driver for a full day isn't an option I'd consider at all, but for this certain location, I do think it's warranted, now I just need to finalize on a lot of things for the trip in the coming week:

- call up / ask different insurance providers to ask about their coverage plans, decide and buy;
- looking at sunscreens and bug sprays;
- have the currency exchanged;
- lose some belly fat before going!
- go through my wardrobe for suitable pieces to bring with me, alas I have no long summery dresses can you believe that!
- going for a facial, haven't had one in a month, am trying to delay the visit there;
- get movie tickets for weekend;
- attend dental checkup.

I started reading Mrs Moneypenny's book today and got to say I like her style of writing! Wish I had access to FT so I can read more of her work.

The free supermarket voucher came yesterday! I had doubts about the online survey company previously (still have), instead of counting them in as "side-hustle" money, I'd give the vouchers to my mom for her grocery shopping. I will keep a record of how much I was able to make across the year from online surveys though, be they peanuts, but it felt good!

Coming back from the Art Show

DB and I went to an art show yesterday since I got us free tickets. What I did not anticipate was that the show was commercial in nature, a certain 5-star hotel has rented its rooms to artists and galleries and the latter will put up paintings, objects they sell all over the room. On the windows, the bed, the wall, the bathroom (!) mirror and bathtub (!). Why would anyone pay to go in just to potentially buy artworks (many of them are couples) is beyond me.

Then in one display room, a studio representative was talking to us about what their studio does: take photos in different styles and have them printed. She said during the exhibition they are doing an offer fro HK$500 you get an one-hour photo shoot, and get to have one wall print of 1 of the photos (you can select which one). But they won't give you soft copy of the photos taken during the shoot! WTF is that??? I can do similar stuff with a cell phone app, Photoshop on the computer, and take it to print myself! Or I can ask friends who are good at photography to do that, even though we don't have a studio environment. The whole package offered by the representative was ludicrous ridiculous!

The commercial factor aside, the rooms were really small, dated for a 5-star hotel in a prime location. The views are awesome though, after all people are paying for a prime location! We were a bit disappointed because the show was crowded, and the place was cramped, we did get our free drinks though. Our conclusion was that art was really an subjective and therefore the price is really arbitrary. What looks like a kid's drawing can sell for a lot, repetitions / collage works can sell for a lot but you never know how much effort / time is put into the work. There were really some good paintings though!

After the show we went for a burger and ribs dinner, we really liked the place since it's high-ceiling (guaranteed good vibe in my books), it was bustling but not noisy, and its tucked away in a very chic neighborhood. DB was not feeling that full so we headed back to the hotel and there's a large mall underneath and we looked for sushi takeaway at a supermarket. He finally settled on some and I got some bread on clearance, the supermarket was rather upscale being in a prime location with a few 5-star hotels nearby, so mind you they're still more than what I have in mind for "clearance" items but considering it's half-palm sized scones and banana bread (never tried before), I paid HK$43 for more than 3 breakfasts' worth of bakery goods. Had a bit of the bread today and it was decent without being sweet at all! I wouldn't be picking up anything from the mall's bakery next time though - because the deals aren't exactly 'deals'.

Have a fabulous weekend!

Mar 13, 2015

Frugal things this week

Some frugal things I did this week:

- I replied to an email and got free ticket to an Art Show that is good for 2 plus a free drink;

- I borrowed a travel book from a friend who just returned from the destination, instead of buying it;

- Got a free book sent to my way (thanks January for posting about Mrs Moneypenny!);

- I gave away my free movie ticket to my relative who would have better chance of using it than me, I figured it won't be worth the cost if commute costs + time are taken into consideration;

- Asking a friend returning from UK to bring me back some toothpastes instead of asking for them to be shipped to me (yes it's a specific brand that I can't find locally);

- Asking same friend to get hold of a bottle of perfume from UK, and I paid 35% less than locally (Yes this might not sound that frugal at all. Yes I have a weakness!);

- Did not buy any food or snacks, still need to try harder to avoid going into the shops AT ALL

The free book pretty much made my day, knowing it's free, I even forgot about it after signing up, and I'll have fun reading books about financial management!

What frugal things have you done this week?

Admitting my weakness

Time to 'fess up. I was doing good financially for the past week until today.

Bogged down by serious cold and flu for the past 8 days, I stayed home all weekend, aside from work trips. Didn't spend much except a lunch with coworkers that had to be done, a trip to the doctor's, some bug repellents and personal care items for the April trip. I think that's it? Then today I bought a perfume which I love that has been discontinued, a small bottle of a new perfume that I've been wanting to try (making use of the extra discount pass), and a lash serum. I've used better ones before and would like to step down to drugstore basic but that just didn't work, my lashes fall off more than before (TMI i know!). I had no intention of going back to the high-end lash serum and I bit the bullet today morning when another high-end lash serum was on special price. Swoosh! 3 items in basket, 30% off and they're on my way tomorrow. Sometimes I just hate myself for being weak. On some days I think I'm going strong. More practice makes a better, stronger willpower perhaps :-)

What's your weakness?

Mar 7, 2015

Slowly hoppin' back on (and THANK YOU)

And a full week ahead, may I add : /

I'd like to say a heartfelt thanks to all that has left a comment on my last last post. THANK YOU. 

I was shot to both sides of the world the past week - a swinging pendulum that gravitates towards the negative, and a lot of sadness in the mix. Things are looking better right now, although there's still a lot to follow up, I'm in a much better place now, emotionally speaking. It amazed me how everything ceased to matter (money was the last thing on my mind), when the world (almost) came crashing down. 

Developing a sore throat in the past few days, I decided the whole weekend to be a stay-in, and hopefully a no-spend as well! I had oatmeal this morning (surprise, surprise), I put water on a higher ratio than oatmeal and loved the watery consistency. By the time I had the second bowl (I used a small bowl), I threw in some dried sultanas and they are GOLD. Not that I had any problem with plain oatmeal but the dried raisins just upped the whole ante and I downed it quickly. Some almonds were also thrown in and it's delicious and balanced (I hope). Some fresh fruit would be nice, but I"ll use what I have. This combo should be featured more often everyday!

I just got a few more pairs this week (March) from another brand. I can live with garment replacements should the need arise, but I'm still saying NO to new clothes/bags/shoes. I unsubscribed from newsletters of apparel retailers sometime ago and didn't aware that I'm missing anything until they sent me promo codes a few days ago for a major sale event. Being very careful, I did not click onto the sites and see what's new and the deals, it's all the more easier to avoid clicking on it than to spend time debating and saying no. Willpower is like a muscle that has to be flexed frequently to strengthen it, too much exercising leads to fatigue sometimes. Auto-pilot is the way to go!

Also organized some papers and letters, and paid my taxes. Even though I don't have to pay a large sum this year, I dreaded on it because of the paper decluttering, today as I went through the papers I thought I might as well paid it and put the tax demand note back to the folder. Staying in might just be my new favorite hobby.

For the upcoming trip in Easter I just modified the list I drafted for my previous trip (oh USA!) and will do some final tweaking tonight. So far I still have to buy travel insurance (putting it to the last few days), schedule a driver at the destination, and exchange currencies. This trip *should* go on as planned.

The coming week will be quite packed as I've got some side hustle scheduled, dinner with a friend, lunch with coworkers (16!), reading through a travel guide book and start thinking on the itinerary. I want to pack a facial session (congested skin!) but will likely postpone it since my throat is feeling bleurgh at the moment. Spending wise, I'm still on track at the moment.

Should my body and spirit allow, this weekend should see a bit of things getting done, I try not to be ambitious here so there is no weekly goals post for the coming week (or maybe more), because honestly, in such a state, being ill and all that, I'd be grateful to just get by, instead of being hard on self for not following a list and whatnot!

How's March treating you so far?