Sep 13, 2014

Yogurt Fixation

Today I spent $40 on lottery and I kept wondering if I should. To date, I've spent $60 on lottery this month, of which $20 is involuntary (coaxed by colleagues).

We also had all-you-can-eat dinner for mom's bday, let's just say I paid less than half of the original amount I prepared to, because we aren't going for all-out buffet this time. Just looked at my spreadsheet for the month and realized I've spent nearly 90% of the month's allowance. Mostly on beauty stuff (no more clothes this month) and food (mom's bday meal being the largest by far). 

Another item I want to highlight was yogurt. I've eaten so much yogurt since July, I used to be contented with $7/portion and now my budget stretches to $30/portion (some are $48 for 2 portions). Thursday was supposed to be a No Spend Day but the curious side of me led my steps to the supermarket on the way home and bought $62 worth (3 portions) of yogurt (both marked down). Just now on the way home I bought $38 (6 portions!). 

Right now I'm telling myself: (1) only buy yogurt when on clearance price (not sale price); (2) stop consuming / buying ANY yogurt in October because it's getting cold; (3) cow milk-based yogurt is probably not the best for my skin; (4) dairy products are products of numerous treatments (pasteurization, frozen from production to supermarket shelf, frozen in transportation, etc) so much of the money spent on it is essentially towards the various treatments / packing needed before it hits the shelves. Products that are easier to perish have higher costs to them (production or treatment or transport). I've already succeeded weaning myself off smoothies and juices from the supermarket and yogurt might be a bit difficult but the the change of weather will make it easy I hope.

- PJ

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