I've left the blogosphere for a good 6 months, with some quick monthly wrap-up in between but that ain't blogging!
The latest development was: I got switched to a much busier role at work, so for the coming months I would be making a huge transition in terms of mindset, workload and routine. It'll probably mean a big overhaul of everything: from wardrobe (still feeling like a drab with clothes that have seen better times), to exercising, to discipline (time-wise), etc. If I'm adapting well, this should take 6-9 months before I can truly settle down.
On the other hand, stuff and more stuff are piling up in my room that I absolutely want to get rid of, but they're not trash nor papers, so that's going to take some time.
I hope everyone has been doing well during my absence, I'll make extra effort to post regularly, because I clearly need to establish a routine amidst everything that's changing.